Our Mission

At Vineyard Hood River, our mission is to embody the way of Jesus in all that we do.
Rooted in His presence, transformed by His Word, and empowered by His Spirit, we live to make Jesus known and His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.

Worship & Prayer

Worship is an integral part of who we are. In our worship services, we take time to worship the Lord with extravagance. God is seeking worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth, releasing His promises to inhabit the praises of His people.
We are called to be “A House of Prayer for the Nations”. As we engage in prayer, we not only offer up to Him the cries of our hearts, but we listen for His heartbeat as well. When we partner with the Lord, we see His Kingdom come and His will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

The Spirit & The Word

The Holy Spirit breathes life, power, anointing, and grace, enabling us to do the works that Jesus did when he was on the earth. The fruit of the Spirit manifests as a lifestyle of service, freedom, blessing, joy, fun, and a healthy community.

We believe that the Bible is the foundation for our growing relationship with our living God. The Holy Spirit enables us to grasp and apply Biblical truths as we study and meditate on God’s word.

Relationships & Community

God is a relational God. We believe each believer is invited into deeper relationship with Him, through the word, worship, prayer, and fellowship. We encourage our believers to engage in Life Groups, Bible studies, and other relational opportunities, so that they thrive in the family of Christ.

We encourage our body of believers to compassionately serve with love and give selflessly to the areas in which they have been called in our community and in the world.

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